Every first Wednesday of the month, the IWSG (Insecure Writer’s Support Group) engages writers to share their fears, thoughts, progress, struggles, excitement, encouragement, or anything really, about their writing. A different question is posed each month as a writing prompt. Answering it is optional. For March, the question is: “Do you read widely or only within the genre(s) you create stories for? What motivates your reading choice?”

This amazing, supportive group of writers was founded by Alex J. Cavanaugh. Today, the co-hosts are Sarah – The Faux Fountain PenJacqui Murray, Chemist Ken, Victoria Marie Lees, Natalie Aguirre, and JQ Rose.

My answer to the question

I have always enjoyed reading. As a young girl, I chose fiction. Teenager Liesbet liked thrillers as much as non-fiction books about animals and travel. When I became an adult and full-time traveler, I found myself reading literature given to me by fellow backpackers or novels discovered at book swaps. Now, I’d love to read more memoirs and non-fiction. If I had time.

Ever since I became friends with authors through my blogging engagements about five years ago, pretty much all I have been reading is books of those talented friends: advance reader copies (ARCs), manuscripts as a beta reader or proofreader, or eBooks I purchased to support those fellow indie authors (which I leave reviews for after reading). I still have a massive TBR list of friends’ books and I swear some of them write faster than I can read! I’m looking at you, Ellen Jacobson, J.H. Moncrieff, Jill Weatherholt, and Jacqui Murray. It doesn’t help that I only manage one book every two months, unless I force myself to read more and then I am not able to engage in blog reading and commenting as much as usually…

Playa Los Cocos

My book news

Like I mentioned last month, Mark and I were ready for a break from the United States, cool weather, and work. So, on February 1st we crossed the border with Mexico and ever since, we have been camping in Baja California with intermittent internet. Book stuff still happened, though.

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